About the Report

The Sustainability Report of the Gazprom Group (hereinafter also referred to as “Gazprom” or “the Group”) for the year 2018 (hereinafter also referred to as “the Report”) contains the information on economic, social, and environmental performance of Gazprom. This is the seventh Sustainability Reports published by the Group.


Sustainability Reports are published annually since 2016. The previous report was published in September 2018.

In order to improve the sustainability reporting system, PJSC Gazprom (hereinafter also referred to as “the Company”) adopted the following documents in 2018: Procedure for Preparation, Publishing and Distribution of the Report and Regulation on Permanent Task Force for Report Preparation. The Task Force is in charge of coordination and improvement of the internal corporate processes as related to the Report preparation, as well as of establishing the mechanisms for interaction with stakeholder groups in order to ensure that their opinions are fully taken into account in the course of the Report preparation.

GRI102-32, 102-45, 102-46, 102-50, 102-52, 102-54, 102-56
Report name Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2018
Reporting boundaries In compliance with the principles for including companies in the consolidated financial statements under IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, unless stated otherwise
Reporting period From January 1 to December 31, 2018 (calendar year)
Reporting cycle Annual
Report preparation option This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option
Position of the person officially verifying and approving the report The Report is approved by the Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom

The Report takes into account the opinions of the stakeholders. In 2018, the stakeholders deemed the following aspects of the operations most material: economic performance of the Gazprom Group, gas infrastructure development in the Russian regions, compliance with the social, economic and environmental provisions of the legislation, the steps taken by the Gazprom Group to preserve satisfactory water condition in the regions of operations, waste management, emissions management, energy saving and energy efficiency. Those topics are disclosed in the Report in detail, along with other ones.

In order to enable data comparison and correlation, information on the majority of the key indicators is presented in evolution, covering the four-year period from 2015 to 2018. Disaggregated data provided throughout this Report may not add up precisely to the indicator totals presented in consolidated financial statements and management accounts due to rounding. The Report also contains forecast information reflecting the plans of the Group. Subsequent actuals may differ from such forecasts because they are driven by certain objective factors.


The list of companies within the Gazprom Group whose performance is covered by this Report has been built on the basis of consolidation principles under IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, unless specified otherwise. Due to the existing differences in data gathering and consolidation, certain groups of disclosures have their individual boundaries specified in the Appendix.

The information on the boundaries of the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report is provided in Appendix

The Report is published in the Russian and English languages. It is available at the web site of Gazprom. The printed version is distributed to the key stakeholders by direct mail.

Information on the principles of the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report preparation is provided in Appendix


In order to enhance the credibility of the information featured in the Report and verify its compliance with the GRI reporting principles, Gazprom applies the external assurance procedure. The Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report for the year 2018 was audited by an independent professional auditor — Financial and Accounting Consultants LLCThe organization providing independent professional auditor services is selected on the basis of the public procurement procedure, and, with respect to non-financial reporting, it was endorsed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs acting on behalf of the public.