Gazprom Group’s Strategy

PJSC Gazprom’s mission.


PJSC Gazprom defines its mission as reliable, effective and balanced supply of natural gas, other energy resources and their derivatives to customers.

PJSC Gazprom’s strategic goal

The strategic goal for PJSC Gazprom is to become the leader among the global energy companies through diversification of the sales markets, ensuring reliable supplies, performance improvement, use of scientific and research capabilities.

For more detail on PJSC Gazprom’s strategic planning see Annual report

The current planning system at PJSC Gazprom ensures optimal combination of the Russian planning system and the modern international approaches to strategic planning. It is based upon the principles of comprehensive approach, the balanced system of indicators, scientific validity, efficient and consistent management decisions.

The Company’s planning system is improved continuously taking into account the best international practices and methodologies developed by the leading industry organizations and experts.

PJSC Gazprom uses the three-tier planning system including short-term planning (up to 1 year period), medium-term planning (over 1–3 years) and strategic (long-term) planning (over 10 or more years).

Strategic planning is a high-level process whereby comprehensive planning of investment, financial and operational activities is performed on the basis of the projected performance indicators of the Company. The long-term planning is aimed at achieving PJSC Gazprom’s strategic goal. It is based upon the Company system of strategic target indicators (STI) that are balanced indicators of the key types of its activities and define the targets required to achieve PJSC Gazprom’s strategic goal. A two-tier STI system is used in the Company strategic planning system.