3.3 Helping Those in Need

Support of the socially vulnerable categories of people, including children, is an important objective for the company adhering to sustainability principles. Gazprom provides systemic charity support to those who need it most: disabled adults and children, children from needy families and orphaned children.

At PJSC Gazprom, there is the Regulation on Sponsorship and Charitable Activities approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 2775 dated July 12, 2016. The organizational units control implementation of sponsorship and charity projects by Gazprom Group companies, including budgeting the expenses on activities financing, operational approval of the subsidiaries’ expenses, assessment of correctness of the cooperation forms selection. At certain subsidiaries, the decisions to provide charitable support are made by the Charity Committees consisting of the managers and other staff members.

Most of Gazprom Group’s cooperation in the social sphere is accounted for by NPOs of different types. Social partner NPOs are selected primarily in accordance with importance and relevance of their activities for the society. In addition, NPOs reputation, their transparency and accountability to the donors for effective use of funds provided in compliance with the designated purpose are taken into account.

Aid to sick children is an important type of Gazprom’s charity activities. In 2018, the Company helped continue construction of the in-patient hospice for children in Pavlovsk (St. Petersburg), completion of construction of the first Palliative Care Center in the Leningrad Region for children suffering from oncological diseases and infant cerebral palsy (children hospice) in the Toksovo settlement, Leningrad Region, which opened in April 2018.

Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod  LLChelped the Piano theater for deaf children visit Japan for educational purposes. The young actors visited the school for deaf and hearing-impaired children at University of Tsukuba in Tokyo. The teachers of the Piano theater shared with their Japanese colleagues the experience of teaching deaf children and the methodologies used at the specialized boarding school, and the actors presented to the Japanese spectators the theater works and participated in master classes held by Japanese teachers.

The charity inclusive festival Different Abilities — Equal Rights was held in Astrakhan in March. Gazprom Group companies supported the initiative of Astrakhan Boarding School No. 1 for disabled children. The festival participants were 120 children with special needs, impaired hearing, muscle-skeleton disorders, children from deprived background, as well as pupils of the city schools and members of on-stage performance groups. The children participated in master classes, children’s arts and crafts fairs and in the charity concert.

PJSC Gazprom charity expenses structure in 2018, %

In 2018, PJSC Gazprom ’s charity expenses amounted to RUB 35 billion

Gazprom Neft Group charity expenses structure in 2018, RUB thousand

PJSC Gazprom Neft ’s charity expenses amounted to RUB 2,129.7 million

Gazprom Energoholding charity expenses structure in 2018, RUB thousand

Gazprom Energoholding’s expenses for charity projects amounted to RUB 21.2 million

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC charity expenses structure in 2018, RUB thousand