2.8 Employee Training and Development


Gazprom employees received remote training in 2018


Group employees upgraded their skills and participated in professional retraining at the universities in 2018



average duration of blue-collar staff training in 2018



average duration of managers, specialists and other white-collar staff training in 2018


Gazprom ensures continuous corporate professional education and develops relevant programs for blue-collar and white-collar staff of all levels. The employees are educated throughout their professional life in accordance with the special educational programs. The corporate continuous education system (CCES) includes several types of trainings:

  • Mandatory: to ensure the required competence level for the employee to be admitted to perform works at hazardous PJSC Gazprom production facilities;
  • Special-purpose (pro-active): due to changing operations requirements;
  • Regular: aimed at supporting the competence level of the employees.

Gazprom grants its employees the opportunity of in-service remote education. Thus, in 2018, over 60,000 Gazprom employees participated in remote education, which is 20,000 more than in 2017

8,986 Group employees upgraded their skills or participated in professional retraining at the universities, including the anchor universities, in 2018.

Number of employees participating in professional development and professional retraining education programs(1) at the Gazprom Group, 2015–2018, thousand people.
The name 2015 2016 2017 2018
Number of managers, specialists and other white-collar staff who participated in continuing professional education programs 142.6 161.2 169.9 196.0
Number of blue-collar staff who participated in professional development trainings 151.5 176.3 173.0 185.1

(1) Including remote training and off-site training forms.



The average duration of training per employee of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries engaged in the core operations was 75.7 hours for blue-collar staff and 46.3 hours for managers, specialists and other white-collar staff in 2018.

The average duration of training per employee of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries engaged in the core operations, 2015–2018, hours
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Number of hours of professional retraining and skills upgrading of managers, specialists and other white-collar staff 37.1 36.5 36.6 46.3
Number of hours of professional training, retraining and skills upgrading by blue-collar staff 85.7 88.9 83.7 75.7

During the reporting period, the changes were driven by more extensive use of remote-learning and off-site employee training forms, as well as the increased scope of training under short-term educational programs.

Gazprom Neft Group training and development system covers all categories of staff and the target groups of high-potential employees. The curriculum depends upon the strategic tasks of Gazprom Neft and the outcomes of the employees’ managerial and professional capabilities assessment.

In 2018, Gazprom Energoholding organized trainings for all categories of staff in accordance with the established frequency of trainings, the current and the long-term Gazprom Energoholding development plans and the annual aggregate staff development plan. The trainings were provided in skills upgrading, professional retraining, short-term workshops and trainings formats.

In order to enhance professional knowledge, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat uses staff training and development system that includes both mandatory trainings and trainings aimed at capability development. In 2018, in total 8,118 employees were sent for training.

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat provides vocational training. In 2018, 41 employees participated in it. White-collar staff training curriculum depends upon the needs of the organization: information technologies, occupational health, electrical safety, prevention of gas explosions, etc. In 2018, 429 people participated in it.

Talent pool development

Gazprom talent pool consists of the employees who are prepared to carry out management activities in modern environment. That ensures succession, continuity and efficiency of the organization management.

The employees included in the talent pool for promotion to the executive positions participate in the Talent Pool School, Global Energy Company Management, Gazprom MBA Human Resources Management programs at Gazprom Corporate University, and in Gazprom MBA — Oil and Gas Corporation Management in the Global Environment at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, and at other leading Russian universities.

The candidates to Gazprom Neft talent pool are selected at the meetings of the Talent Committee — collegial meetings of the companies’ executive teams. The candidates are proposed for review based on the outcomes of their annual performance assessment.

At Gazprom Energoholding, employees included in the talent pool attend the Management Academy, the Chief Engineer School and the Corporate Safety School. The purpose of the training is to master tools and technologies enabling the participants to achieve their full management, personal effectiveness and business communication potential. In 2018, Gazprom Energoholding consisted of 1,080 employees.

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat evaluates the candidates from the talent pool in case of promotion and when they are appointed acting managers (prior to the final appointment).

Participation in the development of a national system of qualifications

Gazprom takes an active part in building a national system of qualifications, develops and implements professional standards. In 2018, seven draft professional standards developed by PJSC Gazprom were enacted by the Orders of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation:

  • gas safety and rescue specialist at oil and gas industry facilities;
  • commercial operator;
  • specialist in quality monitoring of gas, gas condensate and their derivatives;
  • specialist in organizing construction, renovation and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities;
  • gas equipment customer support specialist;
  • well survey specialist;
  • specialist in oil, gas and gas condensate production.

Five draft professional standards were submitted for approval to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. A positive review has been received on those drafts from the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, PJSC Gazprom participated in Professional Standards Implementation in Operations of the Organization Contest arranged by the FSBI All-Russian Labour Research Institute of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in collaboration with АNPO National Agency for Qualifications Development under the auspice of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. PJSC Gazprom project presented to the contest became the winner among the projects ranked first and was awarded the Grand Prix as the best project in the context.