2.3 Respect for Labour Rights and Human Rights


Gazprom Group companies permit no labour or employment discrimination. Pursuant to PJSC Gazprom Code of Corporate Ethics, any nationality, gender, age, etc. preferences are prohibited in course of the HR Policy, Remuneration Policy or Social Security policy implementation.

For more information on the activities of the Corporate Ethics Commission see Appendix

Gazprom complies with the regulations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as related to daily working hours and labour conditions, occupational safety, labour remuneration, social security and paid vacations. Child labour and any forms of compulsory labour are excluded at the Group companies.


The Group recognizes freedom of professional associations and collective bargaining. In 2018, no breaches of the human rights for freedom of associations or collective bargaining were detected.

Training on human rights policies and procedures is provided to the employees at subsidiaries and organizations in course of on-boarding workshops for newly hired employees, as well as during professional development programs covering the structure and the working procedures of the organization, labour agreement and labour remuneration, the effective collective agreement, social security and retirement benefits provided to employees, etc.