
Indicators of Gazprom Group’s contribution to economy of the Russian Federation, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
GDP of the Russian Federation, RUB billion 83,094 86,014 92,101 103,876
Gazprom’s total value added, RUB billion 3,356 3,077 3,392 4,807
Gazprom’s share in GDP of the Russian Federation, % 4.0 3.6 3.7 4.6
Investments in fixed assets in the Russian Federation, RUB billion 13,897 14,749 16,027 17,595
Gazprom capital expenditures(1), RUB billion 1,641 1,369 1,406 1,639
Gazprom’s capex in aggregate investments in fixed assets in the Russian Federation, % 11.8 9.3 8.8 9.3
Payments to budgets of the Russian Federation, all levels (taxes and other similar payments), incl.: 1,947 1,966 2,534 3,241
customs payments, RUB billion 694 618 664 932
MET, RUB billion 599 602 884 1 146
income tax, RUB billion 105 96 228 305
property tax, RUB billion 110 120 149 159
Nominal amount of dividend per share(2), RUB 7.2 7.89 8.04 8.04
Dividend per government’s stake(3), RUB billion 86 94 96 96
Gazprom’s total payments to budgets of the Russian Federation, all levels, RUB billion 2,032 2,060 2,630 3,337
Oil and gas revenues of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, RUB billion 5,863 4,844 5,972 9,018
Revenues of the consolidated budget of the Russian
Federation, RUB billion
26,922 28,182 31,047 37,320
Gazprom’s contribution to oil and gas revenue
of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, RUB billion
1,293 1,220 1,548 2,078
Gazprom’s share in oil and gas revenue of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, %
22.1 25.2 25.9 23.0
Gazprom’s share in consolidated budget revenue of the Russian Federation, % 7.5 7.3 8.5 8.9

(1) According to the cash-flow report of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS.

(2) Amount of dividend per share paid on the basis of previous year’s performance.

(3)PJSC Gazprom’s dividend attributable to the government and legal entities controlled by the government.

Created and distributed direct economic value, 2015–2018, RUB million
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Created direct economic value
Sales 6&,073,318 6&,111,051 6,546,143 8,224,177
Net income (expenses) from trade operations with commodities at liquid European marketplaces 3,704 3,382 (16,352) 18,015
Financial income (interest income) 112,165 93,494 83,721 72,652
Percentage of net profit of associated
companies and joint ventures
106,560 82,872 126,940 232,483
Total created direct economic value6,295,7476,290,7996,740,4528,547,327
Distributed direct economic value
Operating expenditure (excl. asset impairment reserves and other reserves, depreciation and exchange rate differences), incl.: 4,136,762 4,619,480 5,114,635 5,539,484
social expenses 32,485 35,516 34,461 42,789
payroll expenses 590,981 641,036 682,060 600,812
incl. expenses (income) related to estimated post-employment benefits 35,557 50,961 48,522 (78,937)
taxes, excl. income tax 805,132 900,397 1,246,059 1,498,278
other operating expenses 2,708,164 3,042,531 3,152,055 3,397,605
Financial expenses (interest expenses) 66,857 71,556 53,332 50,378
Expenses related to current income tax 102,223 218,113 241,817 278,233
Dividend paid to shareholders(1) 171,621 186,099 196,059 192,822
Total distributed direct economic value4,477,4635,095,2485,605,8436,060,917
Undistributed economic value1,818,2841,195,5511,134,6092,486,410
(1) The Declared Dividend Indicator from PJSC Gazprom IFRS annual consolidated financial statements for the corresponding year.
Number of patents held by subsidiaries and affiliated companies, including patents generating economic benefits, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total patents on the books as of the end of 2018
Patents received by PJSC Gazprom, units 30 26 29 26 446
Patents received by subsidiaries and affiliated companies, units 175 179 202 283 2,109
Economic benefits from patent utilization, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Production utilization of patents held by PJSC Gazprom
subsidiaries and affiliated companies, units
356 406 427 441
incl. patents generating economic benefits 130 127 114 157
Economic benefits generated from utilization of performing patents, RUB billion
6.1 7.1 8.0 10.3
Gazprom Group SMB procurement structure in 2018
Scope of procurement Number of contracts, units Share of the total number of contracts, % Total contract prices
(procurement volume),
RUB million
Share of the total procurement volume from SMBs, %
M&E supply 15,534 43.52 99,216 42.84
Repair and maintenance 2,523 7.07 14,441 6.23
MIS development and maintenance 950 2.66 2,383 1.03
EP services 680 1.91 1,296 0.56
Overhauls 597 1.67 23,036 9.95
Legal and advisory services 556 1.56 347 0.15
Construction and installation works 467 1.31 27,098 11.70
Other works and services 14,386 40.30 63,774 27.54
Estimated benefits of imports substitution technologies implementation, 2016–2018
Imports substitution products (equipment, services, software) groups Benefits, RUB million Total benefits, RUB million Share in the total benefits of Gazprom Group, %
Gas compressor equipment 138.4 319.0 152.0 609.4 2.9
GCU repair 3,318.9 3,998.4 4,457.7 11,775.0 56.8
Hydrocarbons production equipment 1,488.6 1,237.3 2,816.5 5,542.3 26.7
Pipe fittings 51.0 225.3 69.3 345.6 1.7
Pumping equipment 278.9 0.02 278.9 1.3
Metering equipment 11.3 84.1 47.8 143.3 0.7
Power generators 0.2 741.8 741.9 3.6
Chemicals 185.0 31.2 790.9 1,007.0 4.9
Other equipment 138.9 36.5 69.1 244.5 1.2
Other products 8.2 2.7 45.2 56.2 0.3
Gazprom Group total5,340.5 6,213.39,190.3 20,744.0 100.0
Exploration spendings (excluding UGS), 2015–2018, RUB billion, VAT included
2015 2016 2017 2018
PJSC Gazprom, incl.: 80.1 68.7 54.4 50.6
In the Russian Federation 66.0 58.3 52.9 50.0
Abroad 14.1 10.4 1.5 0.6
Subsidiaries, including: 16.6 13.2 11.2 11.8
In the Russian Federation 16.6 13.2 11.2 11.0
Abroad 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8
PJSC Gazprom Neft(1), incl.: 21.7 9.7 21.1 28.6
In the Russian Federation 19.5 7.4 18.5 25.3
Abroad 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.3
Gazprom Group total118.491.686.791.0

(1) Net of organizations, in which Gazprom has investments classified as joint operations.


Exploration drilling structure in the Russian Federation in 2018, %
Urals Federal District 53.6
Siberian Federal District 15.7
Far Eastern Federal District 3.4
Volga Federal District 22.6
Continental shelf 4.7
Gazprom Group hydrocarbon exploration in the Russian Federation in 2018
Indicator Total Including:
in the Far East and Eastern Siberiaoffshore
Exploration drilling, thousand meters 157.6 20.8 7.5
Completely constructed exploratory wells, units 31 12 3
incl. producing ones 23 4 3
2D seismic tests, thousand linear km 5.7 5.1
3D seismic tests, thousand km2 9.5 2.6 3.5
Funding of exploration (incl. VAT), RUB billion 86.3 17.6 37.7
Discovered fields 3 2
Discovered deposits 12
Hydrocarbon exploration in foreign countries, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Exploration drilling, thousand m:
Gas business 16.8 0.3
Oil business 11.5 9.4 18.4 21.9
Completely constructed exploratory wells, units:
Gas business 2 4
Oil business 2 4 8 10
incl. producing ones:
Gas business 1 3
Oil business 1 4 5 9
2D seismic tests, thousand linear km:
Gas business 0.5
Oil business 1.0
3D seismic tests, thousand km2:
Gas business 0.3 0.04
Oil business 1.1 0.8 1.2 1.1
Funding of exploration (incl. VAT), RUB billion:
Gas business 14.1 10.4 1.5 1.4
Oil business 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.3
Note. When building consolidated natural indicators for exploration conducted by Gazprom Group in foreign countries, indicators under projects in which Group subsidiaries have operator functions were taken into account.
Gazprom Group gas sales in Russia, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sales volume, bcm 221.2 214.9 229.9 239.7
Average sales price (net of VAT), RUB per 1,000 m3 3,641.3 3,815.5 3,808.3 3,981.3
Net sales revenue (net of VAT), RUB billion 805.6 819.9 875.7 954.5
Gazprom Group gas sales in the FSU countries, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sales volume, bcm 40.3 33.2 35.0 38.1
Average sales price (including customs duties), USD per 1,000 m3(1) 194.2 153.6 158.4 162.6
Average sales price (including customs duties), RUB per 1,000 m3 11,911.0 10,263.1 9,237.0 10,225.9
Net sales revenue (less customs duties), RUB billion 429.7 309.6 292.8 348.6

(1) Calculated on the basis of the average Russian Ruble to US Dollar exchange rate.

Gazprom Group’s gas sales in foreign countries, 2015–2018
Indicator 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sales volume, bcm 184.4 228.3 242.0 243.3
Average sales price (including the excise duty and customs duties), USD per 1,000 m3(1) 245.6 176.0 200.2 246.4
Average sales price (including the excise duty and customs duties), RUB per 1,000 m3 15,057.3 11,763.3 11,670.5 15,499.5
Net sales revenue (less the excise duty and customs duties), RUB billion 2,165.5 2,140.0 2,221.2 2,951.2

(1) Calculated on the basis of the average Russian Ruble to US Dollar exchange rate.

Gas sales under Gazprom Export LLC contracts in foreign countries, 2015–2018, bcm
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018
Western Europe130.052146.222155.965 162.392
Austria 4.405 6.079 9.136 12.313
Germany 45.314 49.832 53.440 58.502
Italy 24.418 24.689 23.811 22.772
France 9.704 11.471 12.257 12.922
Switzerland 0.287 0.308 0.334 0.379
Netherlands 2.382 4.218 4.650 7.877
Finland 2.756 2.534 2.360 2.623
Turkey 27.015 24.755 29.034 23.964
Greece 1.982 2.676 2.927 3.291
UK 11.117 17.912 16.263 14.257
Denmark 0.672 1.748 1.752 1.723
Belgium 1.769
Central and Eastern Europe28.50832.05836.27938.382
Czechia 4.205 4.536 5.795 6.486
Slovakia 3.806 3.690 4.591 5.085
Poland 8.915 11.070 10.470 9.861
Bulgaria 3.112 3.179 3.327 3.172
Hungary 5.869 5.537 5.795 7.408
Romania 0.176 1.478 1.190 1.320
Serbia 1.678 1.749 2.119 2.145
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.202 0.225 0.245 0.245
Croatia 2.077 2.040
Slovenia 0.483 0.520 0.607 0.458
Macedonia 0.062 0.074 0.063 0.162
(1) According to the management reporting of Gazprom Export LLC, including volumes sold at gas auctions via the ETP and trading operations, but excluding the volumes sold under direct contracts of GAZPROM Schweiz AG. The indicators provided are rounded off and may differ from the estimated ones.
The share of Gazprom Group’s gas exports(1) in gas consumption of the main consuming countries in Western and Central Europe, 2015–2018, %
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018
Western Europe (including Turkey)
Germany 53.5 53.6 55.3 65.6
Turkey 54.6 51.5 52.4 46.7
Italy 35.2 33.9 30.8 30.5
UK 14.5 20.5 19.1 16.5
France 22.2 23.8 25.4 28.1
Central Europe
Poland 51.9 60.4 53.3 49.0
Hungary 63.2 54.9 53.6 71.4
Czechia 51.7 51.5 64.1 75.8
Slovakia 75.3 71.1 93.0 100.0
Bulgaria 96.1 94.2 95.9 97.2
Non-FSU countries, total(2), всего31.332.933.836.6

(1) PJSC Gazprom international gas sales under Gazprom Export LLC contracts, including volumes sold within the framework of gas auction via the ETP and trading activities, excluding volumes sold under direct contracts of GAZPROM Schweiz AG.

(2) The indicator is calculated for all European countries, including Turkey and excluding Former Soviet Union States.

Sources: IEA, Gazprom Export LLC, Platts Analytics (previously — PIRA)


Gazprom Group(1) share of foreign gas supply market, 2014–2018 (actual) and 2019–2025 (outlook), %
Actual Platts Analytics
2014 30.4
2015 31.5
2016 33.1
2017 34.2
2018 36.8
2019 36.6
2020 36.2
2021 36.3
2022 36.5
2023 36.8
2024 36.9
2025 37.3

(1) PJSC Gazprom’s international gas sales under Gazprom Export LLC contracts, incl. volumes sold within the framework of gas auctions and under direct contracts of GAZPROM Schweiz AG.

Sources: IEA, Gazprom Export LLC, Platts Analytics (previously — PIRA)

LNG sales in foreign countries, 2015–2018, trillion BTU
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018
Argentina 16.2 19.7
Egypt 3.4 3.4
India 18.7 22.7 9.9 36.1
Spain 6.5 2.9
China 6.6 3.4 29.4 29.2
Kuwait 3.3 3.3 16.9 20.1
Mexico 6.5
UAE 6.5 3.1
South Korea 26.5 3.3 13.2 26.4
Thailand 3.3
Taiwan (China) 9.9 26.0 19.8 19.3
Japan 78.1 78.5 56.9 29.7
Supplies, FOB 7.0 3.0 21.4
Total169.6 176.5 159.2 185.0
including LNG sales from Sakhalin-2 project86.0 59.4 72.9 70.1
Note: The table quotes original data in trillion BTU according to information of Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd.
NGV fuel sales in foreign countries, 2015–2018, mcm
Gazprom Group subsidiary having filling stations on its books Countries where filling stations are operated Gas sales from filling stations, total across the Company
Gazprom NGV Europe GmbH Germany 5.73 7.46 7.31 6.79
Czechia(1) 0.95 1.10 1.09 2.00(2)
Poland 1.88 2.91 2.43 1.99
NIS a.d. Novi Sad Serbia 0.68 1.52 2.12

(1) Being on the books of GAZPROM NGV Europe GmbH (NGVE), those CNG filling stations were handed over to VEMEX Company under the operational lease agreement, and VEMEX, in turn, is accountable for sales of Russian natural gas as the CNG filling station operator.

(2) The specified total sales volumes include sales at CNG filling stations owned by Gazprom NGV Europe GmbH, but leased by VEMEX till June 2018.

Gazprom Group sales of crude oil and gas condensate, 2015–2018, mmt
2015 2016 2017 2018
Russia 5.3 5.9 4.3 2.7
incl. Gazprom Neft Group 3.9 4.4 2.8 1.2
Non-FSU countries 9.8 17.1 21.6 21.2
incl. Gazprom Neft Group 8.6 13.6 19.3 18.3
FSU countries 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.7
incl. Gazprom Neft Group 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.7
incl. Gazprom Neft Group14.419.723.821.2
Gazprom Group oil and gas processing products(1) sales volumes, 2015–2018, mmt
2015 2016 2017 2018
Russia 41.3 41.1 40.8 43.2
Non-FSU countries 23.8 22.6 20.9 21.3
FSU countries 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.4
(1) Net of helium sales.
Gazprom Group oil and gas processing and petrochemical products sales by types of products, mmt
Processing products 2015 2016 2017 2018
Automotive gasoline 13.65 14.92 13.39 15.53
Diesel fuel 15.49 15.85 15.89 17.25
Jet fuel 3.76 3.51 3.60 3.94
Heating oil 8.58 7.62 5.78 6.46
Lube product 0.43 0.44 0.41 0.48
LPG 4.85 4.49 3.70 4.10
Sulfur 5.19 5.46 5.31 5.25
Mineral fertilizers 0.69 0.95 0.89 0.86
Polymers 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.11
Other oil and gas processing products and petrochemical products 16.62 14.57 16.88 14.88
Gazprom Neft petroleum products sales by regions, 2015–2018, mmt
2015 2016 2017 2018
Sales in Russia 27.50 27.11 27.96 29.67
Export to non-FSU countries 11.81 10.77 9.54 10.00
Export to CIS countries 2.28 2.41 2.50 2.49
International sales 3.25 3.30 3.48 3.75
Electric power exports, 2015–2018, billion kWh
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018
from the buses of the Svetogorsk HPP (part of the cascade of the Vuoksa HPPs, Leningrad Region) via the 110 kV Imatra-1 line;
from the buses of the Kaitakoski HPP (part of the Paz cascade, Murmansk Region) via the 110 kV L-82 line. During the high-water period, peak electricity supply equals up to 70 MW 0.538 0.577 0.758 0.956
from the buses of the Borisoglebsk HPP (part of the Paz cascade, Murmansk Region) via the 154 kV L-225 line. Peak electricity supply can be as high as 56 MW, but in the normal operating mode, power equals 28 MW;
via 0.4 kV electric transmission lines from Borisoglebsk HPP-8 (Russia), HPP-6 Rayakoski (Russia), Norwegian border checkpoints 0.095 0.059 0.104 0.020