Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report
Benefiting People
Message from Gazprom CEO
Sustainable development remains an invariable guiding principle for us. We will continue pursuing it in our work for the sake of the present and future generations.
Section 1
Energy for People
Section 4
Life in a Clean Environment

Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 101 | Foundation (2016) | Appendix. Reporting Principles and Boundaries |
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Organizational profile
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Strategy
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | Message from Gazprom CEO |
GRI 102-15 |
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | About Gazprom Group Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Ethics and integrity
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 102-16 |
Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour | About Gazprom Group Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 102-17 SDG 16 | Mechanisms for advice about ethics | Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Governance
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 102-18 | Governance structure | About Gazprom Group See p. 169-176, PJSC Gazprom Corporate Governance Model chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-19 | Delegating authority | About Gazprom Group |
GRI 102-20 | Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics | About Gazprom Group |
GRI 102-22 SDG 5 | Composition of the highest governance body and its committees | About Gazprom Group See p. 59-65, PJSC Gazprom Board of Directors and Management Committee chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 See p. 169-176, PJSC Gazprom Corporate Governance Model chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-23 | Chair of the highest governance body | The chair of the highest governance body is not an executive officer in the organization. |
GRI 102-24 SDG 5 | Nominating and selecting the highest governance body | About Gazprom Group |
GRI 102-25 SDG 16 | Conflicts of interest | About Gazprom Group Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” Regulation on the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom See Anti-Corruption Efforts section of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom, as of 2018, p. 198-201 |
GRI 102-26 | Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy | About Gazprom Group See p. 3 of the Regulation on the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 102-28 | Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance | About Gazprom Group |
GRI 102-30 | Effectiveness of risk management processes | Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 102-31 | Review of economic, environmental, and social topics | About Gazprom Group See p. 171, PJSC Gazprom Corporate Governance Model chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-32 | Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting | About the Report |
GRI 102-33 | Communicating critical concerns | About Gazprom Group See p.171, PJSC Gazprom Corporate Governance Model chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-34 | Nature and total number of critical concerns | About Gazprom Group See p.171, PJSC Gazprom Corporate Governance Model chapter of the Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-35 | Remuneration policies | About Gazprom Group See p.177-181, Remuneration of the Members of the Governance and Control Bodies chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102-37 | Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration | About Gazprom Group See p.177-181, Remuneration of the Members of the Governance and Control Bodies chapter of the Annual Report of PJSC Gazprom as of 2018 |
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Stakeholder engagement
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 102-40 | List of stakeholder groups | About the Report |
GRI 102-41 RUIE 3.1.4. SDG 8, 3, 4, 5, 10 | Collective bargaining agreements | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Social Partnership |
GRI 102-42 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | About the Report |
GRI 102-43 SDG 16 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | About the Report |
GRI 102-44 | Key topics and concerns raised | About the Report Section 1. Energy for People Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us |
GRI 102 General Disclosures (2016). Reporting practice
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 102-45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | About the Report See p. 42–45 of the consolidated financial statements prepared in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as of December 31, 2018 (the list of the major subsidiaries is provided) |
GRI 102-46 | Defining report content and topic Boundaries | About the Report Appendix 6. Reporting Principles and Boundaries The boundary of each material topic was defined by the persons in charge of managing the respective topics. |
GRI 102-47 | List of material topics | About the Report |
GRI 102-48 | Restatements of information | There were no restatements in the reporting period. |
GRI 102-49 | Changes in reporting |
The list of material topics was revised and updated on the basis of stakeholder engagement processes. Additional topics included in the list of material topics are:
Definition of material topics to be included in the Report There were no significant changes of the boundaries versus the previous year |
GRI 102-50 | Reporting period | About the Report |
GRI 102-51 | Date of most recent report | About the Report |
GRI 102-52 | Reporting cycle | About the Report |
GRI 102-53 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | Contacts and feedback |
GRI 102-54 | Claim of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. |
GRI 102-55 | GRI content index | Appendix. GRI Content Index |
GRI 102-56 | External assurance | About the Report The report has been approved by a professional auditor – audit firm FBK Grant Thornton. The report was endorsed by the Council of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) in terms of its nonfinancial statements. |
GRI 103 Management approach (2016)
Material topics
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
SDG 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17 | Innovations and R&D at Gazprom Group | Section 1. Energy for People > Gazprom Group’s Contribution to National Industrial Development |
SDG 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17 | Gas infrastructure development in the Russian Federation | Section 1. Energy for People > Gas Sales to Russian Consumers. Gas Infrastructure Expansion and Gas Supplies in Russian regions |
SDG 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17 | NGV fuel market development | Section 1. Energy for People > Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Market Development </td> |
GRI 201 Economic performance (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 201-1 RUIE 1.2., 1.3., 1.4., 1.5., 1.6., 1.7. SDG 8, 9 | Direct economic value generated and distributed | Appendix. For the Section “Energy for People” |
GRI 201-2 SDG 13 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI 201-3 RUIE 1.8. | Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Gazprom Group’s Social Policy See p. 49 of the consolidated financial statements prepared in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as of December 31, 2018 |
GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 203-1 RUIE 1.7. SDG 9 | Infrastructure investments and services supported | Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us > Helping Those in Need Appendix Appendix. For the Sections “Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom” and “Focus on the Person. People Next to Us” |
GRI 203-2 SDG 3, 4, 8, 11, 17 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us > Partnership with the Regions |
GRI OG Reserves
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI OG1 | Volume and type of estimated proven reserves and production | About Gazprom Group |
GRI 204 Procurement practices (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 204-1 SDG 8, 11, 12 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers | Section 1. Energy for People > Import Substitution and Localization |
GRI 205 Anti-corruption (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 205-1(1) SDG 16 | Operations assessed for risks related to corruption | Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 205-2(2) SDG 16 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | Appendix. For the Section “About Gazprom Group” |
GRI 205-3 SDG 16 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | During the reporting period no incidents of corruption were identified at PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Energoholding Group, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC. |
(1) Total number and percentage of the units (by types of activities) subject to corruption-related risks assessment are not provided because no centralized records are kept.
(2) The following information is not provided because no centralized records are kept: data broken down by regions, total number and percentage of the members of governance bodies trained on the anti-corruption policies and methods, data broken down by employee categories and regions, total number and percentage of employees trained on the anti-corruption policies and methods.
GRI 206 Anti-competitive behaviour (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 206-1 | Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices | See p. 56–57 of the consolidated financial statements prepared in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as of December 31, 2018 |
GRI 302 Energy (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 302-1(1) RUIE 2.2. SDG 7, 8, 11, 12 | Energy consumption within the organization | Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI 302-3 RUIE 2.2.1. SDG 7, 8, 11, 12 | Energy intensity | Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI 302-4(2) SDG 7, 11, 12 | Reduction of energy consumption | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI OG2 SDG 7, 9, 17 | Total amount invested in renewable energy | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Renewable and Secondary Energy Resources |
GRI OG3 SDG 7 | Total amount of renewable energy generated by source | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Renewable and Secondary Energy Resources |
(1) Total fuel consumption, electric power and heat energy consumption, sold electric power heat energy, as well as the total energy consumption (without double counting) in Joules by Gazprom Group are not provided because no centralized records are kept.
(2)Consolidated data for Gazprom Group is not provided because no centralized records are kept.
GRI 303 Water (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 303-1 RUIE 2.3. SDG 6 | Water withdrawal by source | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Water: Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Use |
GRI 303-2 SDG 6 | Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Water: Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Use |
GRI 303-3 RUIE 2.4. SDG 6, 11, 12 | Water recycled and reused | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Water: Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Use Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI OG5(1) SDG 3, 6, 11, 12, 14 | Volume and disposal of formation or produced water | Appendix. For the Section “Life in a Favourable Environment” |
GRI 304 Biodiversity (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 304-2 SDG 3, 14, 15 | Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Biodiversity: Preservation and Enhancement |
GRI 304-3 SDG 3, 14, 15 | Habitats protected or restored | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Land: Timely Restoration and Prevention of Adverse Impacts |
GRI 305 Emissions (2016)
GRI 306 Effluents and waste (2016)
GRI 307 Environmental compliance (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 307-1 RUIE 2.10. SDG 11, 12, 14, 15 | Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | Section 4. Life in a Favourable Environment > Gazprom Group’s Spending on Environmental Protection |
GRI 401 Employment (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 401-2 SDG 8 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Gazprom Group’s Social Policy The social programs mentioned in the Report cover all employees on the company’s roster, irrespective of their form of employment. |
GRI 402 Labour/management relations (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 402-1 SDG 8 | Minimum notice period regarding operational changes | The notice period for significant changes in labour conditions is at least 2 months. The notice provisions are included in the General Collective Agreement. |
GRI 403 Occupational health and safety (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 403-1 SDG 8 | Workers representation in formal joint management—worker health and safety committees | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Process Safety |
GRI 403-2(1) RUIE 3.1.5., 3.1.6., 3.1.7., 3.1.8. SDG 3, 8 | Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities | Appendix. For the Sections “Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom” and “Focus on the Person. People Next to Us” |
GRI 403-3 SDG 3, 8 | Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Industrial Safety |
GRI 403-4 SDG 8 | Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Process Safety |
GRI OG13 SDG 3, 8 | Number of process safety events, by business activity | Appendix. For the Sections “Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom” and “Focus on the Person. People Next to Us” |
GRI 404 Training and education (2016)
Indicator |
Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 404-1(1) RUIE 3.1.10. SDG 4, 8 | Average hours of training per year per employee | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Employee Training and Development |
GRI 404-2 SDG 8, 4 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | Section 2. Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom > Employee Training and Development |
GRI 405 Diversity and equal opportunity (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 405-1 RUIE 3.1.12. SDG 5,8,10 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Appendix. For the Sections “Focus on the Person. People at Gazprom” and “Focus on the Person. People Next to Us” |
GRI 406 Non-discrimination (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 406-1 RUIE 3.2.2. SDG 5, 8, 10 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | The Group did not detect any cases of discrimination in the reporting period. |
GRI 407 Freedom of association and collective bargaining (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 407-1 SDG 8, 10 | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk | The Group did not detect any violations of human rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining in the reporting period. |
GRI 411 Rights of indigenous peoples (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 411-1 RUIE 3.2.3. SDG 10 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples | The Group did not detect any violations of rights of indigenous peoples in the reporting period. |
GRI OG9 SDG 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 |
Operations where indigenous communities are present or affected by activities and where specific engagement strategies are in place | Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us > Dialogue with Local Communities |
GRI 413 Local communities (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 413-1(1) RUIE 3.3.3. SDG 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 | Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs | Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us > Partnership with the Regions Section 3. Focus on the Person. People Next to Us > Sports for Children |
GRI 413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | No significant actual or potential negative impact on local communities was detected in the reporting period. |
GRI OG10 RUIE 3.2.3. SDG 10 | Number and description of significant disputes with local communities and indigenous peoples | No significant disputes with local communities and indigenous peoples were recorded in the reporting period. |
GRI 415 Public policy (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 415-1 | Political contributions | In accordance with the Code of Corporate Ethics, Gazprom does not make payments to the benefit of political parties, organizations or their representatives, and does not take part in political activities. |
GRI 419 Socioeconomic compliance (2016)
Indicator | Indicator description | Disclosure |
GRI 419-1 | Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area | During the reporting period there were no material fines or non-financial sanctions in the social area |